Feb 5
The Sayville Junior High School will
hold a dedication service for its addition
and other new facilities at 8:30 p.m. next
Tuesday. The program will consist of
an orchestral selection by the Sayville
Junior High School orchestra under the
direction of Jacob J. Kellas, after which
there will be a welcome by Edward
C. Lyon, president of the Sayville Par-
ent-Teacher Association and principal of
the Sayville Junior High School.
The 1960 Betty Crocker Homemaker
of Tomorrow of Sayville High School
is Miss Sylvia G. Teikmanis, senior. She
received the highest score in a 50-min-
ute written examination on homemaking
knowledge and attitudes taken by gradu-
ating senior girls. Her examination paper
will be submitted for competition with
other high school winners to name the
state Homemaker of Tomorrow.
Sayville librarian Elinor H. Haff recom-
mends “Markets of the Sixties,” which
takes a look into the next 10 years and
describes the coming transformations in
the American way of life.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGiff of Can-
dee Avenue, Sayville, returned home on
Saturday after enjoying a cruise of over
two weeks to the West Indies and South
America aboard the
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horn of Hamil-
ton Street, Sayville, entertained at a 6th
birthday party for their son, Christopher,
on Saturday afternoon.
Miss Dorothy June Paauwe of 55 West
Avenue, West Sayville, has graduated
from the School of Nursing of the Glen
Cove Community Hospital.
Babette Ports, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Ports of Briar Circle, West
Sayville, spent last Saturday in New York
where she attended the Roxy Theatre
and participated in the Howdy Doody
show. Babette will appear on the Howdy
Doody program on Feb. 27.
The Federal Aviation Agency will build
a remote radio transmitter in Oakdale to
improve international air traffic facilities
between New York and London. The
transmitter will be located at a 34 1/2
acre site east of Locust Avenue north of
the Long Island Rail Road tracks.
Byron Borst of Biltmore Avenue, Oak-
dale, returned to Moravian College in
Pennsylvania to resume his freshman
courses after spending his mid-semester
vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Borst.
Miss Dorothy Uhorchak returned to
Fredonia State Teachers College after
spending her mid-semester vacation at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Uhorchak of Kahle Street, Bohe-
The Bayport-Blue Point High School
girls’ sports club met on Friday after-
noon in the gym for a meeting and induc-
tion of new members, which included
the Misses Lisa Jackson, Carol Harlin,
Juliene Maxian, Patricia Leadbeater, and
Rosemary Jost.
Alfred S. Goldhaber, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Maurice Goldhaber of Gillette Ave-
nue, Bayport, has been honored for high
scholastic achievement at Harvard and
has been awarded an honorary schol-
Playing this week at the Sayville The-
atre: “Operation Petticoat,” starring Cary
Grant, Tony Curtis, Joan O’Brien, and
Dina Merrill.


Feb 12
Registration at Adelphi College in
Sayville exceeded expectations last
Wednesday. Although the spring semes-
ter is usually lighter than the fall, this
year’s enrollment of 475 graduate and
undergraduate evening students was
Past President David Bialer and
George Argondizza enjoyed a private
joke at the Sayville Chamber of Com-
merce dinner-dance at Land’s End Saturday night.
Mrs. Charles Kelly showed 300 slides
on New England and the Southwest at
Sayville High School’s Adult Education
program photography class. Mrs. Mar-
garet Pearsall and Mrs. Mark Kelley
were among the students in the class.
The beginning French class of the
Sayville Adult Education program held
a dinner on Feb. 8 at the home of two
of their members, Mr. and Mrs. Fernley
L. Fuller of 39 Jones Drive, Sayville.
The French menu featured coq au vin
and each member brought a dish for
the meal.
Coaches Bob Hazen and Jim Schnell
are ready for the student-faculty bas-
ketball game to be held on Friday eve-
ning, March 11.
Roseann Van Wyen, of West Sayville,
participated in a twirling contest held
at Trenton, N.J. on Saturday where she
placed fourth in her age group.
Judith Straiger, of West Sayville,
recently entertained at a sweet sixteen
party at her home on Rollstone Avenue.
The Rev. John Beebe of Holland,
Mich., formerly of West Sayville, will
occupy the pulpit of the Christian
Reformed Church for the next two
Carl Prellwitz and Virginia Fallatik
were one of the many students at Mon-
tauk Highway School in Oakdale to
participate in the annual Science Fair.
Oakdale may be singular among many
communities in having a large number
of families who are associated with air-
lines and with the jobs popularly known
as “glamour professions” – pilots, co-pi-
lots, navigators, and flight engineers.
There are 30 or more of these families
in Oakdale and West Sayville.
Paul Willis La Frantz played the role
of the emperor during a rehearsal for
“Emperor’s Nightingale” at Montauk
Highway school in Oakdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Elias of Gillette
Avenue, Bayport, entertained on Satur-
day afternoon with a movie party at the
Sayville Theatre in celebration of the
8th birthday of their daughter, Cathy.
Warren Vignato of McConnell Avenue,
Bayport, and student at the State Uni-
versity College of Education at Oswe-
go, is beginning the first of two nine-
week student teaching assignments.
Mr. Vignato, whose field is industrial
arts, is teaching in Newburg, N.Y.
Dave Wood will open soon at 603
Middle Road, Bayport, for the repair
and service of televisions.
If you’re at loss for words to express
what’s in your heart, let flowers from
Bayport Flowers Houses say it for
you...and your Valentine will be sure
to understand!
Playing this week at the Sayville
Theatre: “The Rise and Fall of Legs
Diamond,” starring Ray Danton and
Karen Steele; “4-D Man,” starring Rob-
ert Lansing and Lee Merriweather; and
“The Bramble Bush,” starring Richard
Burton and Barbara Rush

Feb 19

In honor of George Washington’s
birthday, Bernard Gaiser of Sayville
will ride through Patchogue on his
horse, Trigger, as General Washington
A young missionary, the Rev. Thom-
as M. Ashlock, along with his wife
and four children, have been visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lacey of
Lakeview Avenue, Sayville, prior to
leaving for a six-year term of service
in Bulawayo, Rhodesia.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Ange-
lo of Lumur Drive, Sayville, have
announced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Mary Ann, to Richard
Skinner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Skinner of Johnson Avenue, Sayville.
Mrs. Geoghan, president of the Say-
ville Garden Club, announced that the
club has been entered in the Sears
Foundation “Civic Beautification Con-
test” with seven other garden clubs of
the second district of the State Feder-
ation of Garden Clubs.
The Sayville High School senior
band will present the annual winter
concert Saturday evening in the high
school auditorium on Brook Street.
The program will be highlighted with
several solo numbers and a clarinet
trio comprised of Judy Ann Limouze,
William Dickes, and Richard Cooley.
The “Couples Club” of the Methodist
Church in Bayport met on Saturday
night in the church parlors for a Val-
entine party with hosts, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Huszagh, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
ter Pulley, and Mr. and Mrs. William Kellers.
Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Beitel of Bay-
port Avenue celebrated their 18th
wedding anniversary with a dinner
party at Three Village Inn in Stony
Brook on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Maxey of Suy-
dam Lane, Bayport, entertained at a
surprise party for the 13th birthday of
their daughter, Melanie, at their home
on Valentine’s Day. Her guests enjoyed
a birthday supper, games and dancing.
Mrs. Dirk Schwedersky of West Say-
ville showed her long-haired dachs-
hund on Monday at the Elm City Ken-
nel Club Show in New Haven, Conn.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vanderborgh
Jr. entertained on Sunday at their
home on Division Avenue, West Say-
ville, in celebration of Mrs. Vander-
borgh’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Hulsen-
top and their children, Wendy and
Bobby, spent Saturday in Midland
Park, N.J., where they visited rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pisani of Amboy
Road, Oakdale, celebrated their 18th
anniversary on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Green who
moved from Oakdale to Florida last
summer are hoping to relocate in this
area since Mr. Green’s position with
Pan American will again station him
at a New York airport.
Richard Wiesner of Idlehour, Oak-
dale has been elected secretary of the
newly-formed Astrionics Key Club.
Playing this week at the Sayville
Theatre: “Jack the Ripper,” starring
Lee Patterson and Eddie Byrne; “The
Big Night,” starring Randy Sparks and
Dick Foran; and “The Gazebo,” star-
ring Glenn Ford and Debbie Reynolds.

Feb 26







Unless otherwise indicated, the articles and photos on this page are  copywrited and reprinted with the permission of Editor Mark Nolan

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